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Astrological advice can make a significant impact in the case of gains from investments in life. It helps in controlling the micro factors, based on analysis of one's natal chart.
The fifth house and its lord rules gains through investments. If the lord of the fifth house is strong & well placed, one is destined to enjoy good gains through investments in life. Impact of Rahu on strong lord of the fifth house can give gains through specualtive investments as well, provided there is no planetary influence indicating loss of assets in the birth chart.
One must exercise caution in stakes when the close influence of Rahu or Rahu like planets is there on the weak fifth house or its lord. Besides the strength of the fifth house the strength of the second and fourth houses ruling wealth and assets, respectively, is also considered as they play important role in accumulation of wealth.
The lord of the twelfth house rules losses. If Rahu and/or Rahu like planets - that is the lords of the twelfth and eighth houses - closely influence the first, fifth, second, third, fourth and tenth houses or their lords one should not indulge or be very cautious, while investing in risky assests like equity or other such instruments.
The weak & badly placed lords of the second, third, fourth and fifth houses can also give losses in investments even if they are not afflicted by the lord of losses (12th house lord) or Rahu and Ketu. In such an cases strengthening of the weak lords of second, third, fourth and fifth houses can reduce the chances of losses due to unfavorable transit influences.
The analysis of element of loss due to macro factors (beyond ones natal chart e.g. recession) is very dicey as it includes the impact of global risks. If one has strong combinations of gains, in his/her natal chart, then one is able to navigate through the temporary/cyclical phases, without much trouble. Therefore one's natal chart plays a significant role in ascertaining the level of gains from investments in the long run.
Natives with close impact of Rahu and the lord of the twelfth house in their birth charts should always prefer investments in safe assets like secured government bonds and bank deposits etc. Planets Mars and the Moon are significators for gains through investments in real estate, besides the ruler of fourth house. Mercury signifies gains through trading or highly volatile markets.
The readers may contact us for knowing about (i) the possibility of gains through stock-market/speculative investments in their charts, and (ii) appropriate astral remedies advice for harnessing the chances of gains;
by paying a fee of US$ 99 vide Item No. 1 of services on our website.