"Special Power Kavach" from Vedic Astrologer helps you make your life better and save yourself of dreaded diseases."Special Power Kavach" is a preventive remedy; Learn Astrology, Mystical Kavach, "KAVACH EFFECTIVENESS"
"Jyotish Remedies", "Vedic Kavach", "Vedic Kavach Information" Jyotish Remedies for professional success, Power of Kavach, Special Power Vedic Kavach, Energisation Effectiveness of Vedic Kavach Jyotish Remedies & Power Kavach - Vedic Astrology, Jyotish Remedies & Health, Gems as Jyotish Remedies, Power Kavach as Astral Remedies for black magic,"Planetary Gems", Vedic Astrology, "Power Vedic Kavach", "Special Power Kavach","Vedic Jyotish Power Vedic Kavach", Ästral Remedies as Special Power Vedic Kavch", Kavach Astrology Mystical Kavach Zodiac Pendant Power Kavach Spl Power Kavach."
Special Power Kavach: Design and concept created by V K Choudhry.
Copyright@1994 V K Choudhry
Special Power Kavach Application: Dreaded diseases like cancer, heart attack, kidney failure, diabetes, asthama, paralysis, etc. are caused by severe afflictions to badly placed weak planets. The natal chart provides advance insight in one's vulnerability to such diseases. The experience and feedback shows that astrological remedial measures are likely to help persons with such natal influences to save themselves of such diseases. While the medicine systems treat the astrological remedies prevent. This is the biggest difference. It is like an insurance. If one sees its utility it costs nothing in comparison to the treatment if one contracts a dreaded disease.
Special power Kavach or a regular Kavach draws its power from the powerful planetary position in which it is created. Limited number of special power kavachs prepared under rare powerful planetary configurations shall be available on first come first served basis. This special power kavach would be quite helpful in spiritual realizations and dealing with life problems in the fields of children's education, health, marital, relationships, professional problems, business problems, etc.
Special Power Kavach is a protecting shield in the form of a pendant
which is made of silver containing mystical numbers of functional benefic
planets engraved in an auspiciously elected time on a silver pendant. Kavach is used for improving the strength of the planets
to enable them to provide protection to the natal and transit afflictions of the planets
which are functional benefics in a nativity and are weak/badly
Special Power Kavach is certainly not a miraculous or magical object. This is part of faith healing and its effectiveness and the amount of help cannot be measured in a scientific manner. The confidence of the Special Power Kavach providers is based on the feedback of the users.
Those having the exact afflictions of the most malefic planet or the functional malefic planets amongst themselves or with the functional benefic planets may not feel/realise the impact made by the Kavach or a special power Kavach though the Kavach or special power Kavach is believed to provide tremendous support to the planets under stress. For example, the exact affliction in the case of the lords of the sixth and eighth houses makes one vulnerable to paralytic attacks or chronic ailments. The application of a Kavach or a special power Kavach here is believed to reduce the vulnerability to a large extent but how much is difficult to show. Such exact afflictions are very difficult to move. So the seekers of Kavach or a special power kavach should clearly understand that there is no way that the effectiveness of the Kavach can be shown or proved in a scientific manner. It is a matter of faith and has to be dealt with accordingly. Since all the services on our part for preparation of the Kavach are completed at the time of providing the kavach and the taxes as applicable on our services are paid, no refund of the cost of the Kavach or the special power Kavach is possible and allowed.
Special Power Kavachs get power/energy to do good/bless not only due to the engravings being done in an auspicious time but also due to a prescribed way of life. The person with a strong natal Jupiter is in best position to energise the Kavach and while prescribing use of the Kavach, the prescriber should follow the undermentioned principles:
• Bath in the morning without any bed tea, etc.
• Prayers to Lord.
• Performance of propitiatory remedies as per one’s own chart.
• Practice the divine way in life i.e. (1) Be content; (2) Increase utility to humanity; (3) Help poor and needy; (4) Be kind, generous and benevolent; and (5) Avoid deeper involvement in sensual pleasures, anger, pride, greed and envy.
Continuous practice of the above principles helps in generating power for helping others to ward off evils in life and derive benefits indicated by the benefic planets in one’s chart.
Special Power Kavach's efficacy as a part of astral remedies depends on many things including the ascendant
and the strength of the natal planets. If the functional malefic planets
are more in the natal chart with multiple close afflictions and the functional benefic planets are weak one benefits with lot
of delay. For example, the people born in the Virgo, Cancer, Pisces, Taurus and Capricorn ascendants need lot of time for sincere and faithful performance of propitiatory remedies Then the further factors to be seen are the strength of the sub-period and the
transit influences.
Special Power Kavach is worn in another auspiciously elected time. The auspicious time is
worked out with reference to the place of stay. Gem therapy has little comparison to the benefits gained by wearing the kavach which also acts as a protective
shield. When used as a preventive therapy it is likely to benefit in the following areas:-
-Success in studies
-Success in professional career/business
-Develops leadership skills
-Improves memory and analytical skills
-Gives timely marriage
-Gives success in relationships
-Blesses with children
-Blesses with achievements and recognition in life
and so on and so forth the list is very long.
Details required are:
1. Horoscope details - that is date, time and place of birth.
2. The details of place of stay with longitudes, latitudes and
summer time correction, if any.
3.The complete postal address for despatch of amulet through registered
air mail.
The amulet can be worn in a thread or a gold chain around the neck and
after one starts wearing it for the first time one should continuously wear
it. There is no precaution to be taken by the wearer.
If it is mandatory to take it off the body, one can do that but should
again wear it as soon as it is possible to derive the impact continuously.
The thread can be changed, whenever it requires a change.
PRICE : US$ 300 OR equivalent in Indian Rupees. To be despatched through registered air mail within a week of the order.