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The suggested propitiatory astrological Remedial Measures (Charities) for the Functional Malefic planets are given here. The suggested remedies are to be performed daily in the morning after bath and before breakfast.

The Sun

The Sun rules the father, husband and government. When as a functional malefic planet the Sun is causing afflictions in a horoscope the person is suggested to render service to one's father or one's husband. The person should abide by the law of the land. Besides these the person can offer food articles to a cow or an ox or the person should offer Surya Namaskar (Salutations to the Sun God at the Sun rising time).

The Moon The Moon rules the mother, wife, queen and old aged needy women. When as a functional malefic planet the Moon is causing afflictions in a horoscope the person is suggested to render service to one's mother or one's wife or old aged needy women. The person should abide by the law of the land. The person can also offer food articles to a cow.

Mars The Mars rules younger brothers or servants. When as a functional malefic planet, Mars is causing afflictions in a horoscope the person is suggested to render help to one's younger brothers or servants. The person should perform morning prayers so that one is saved of accidents and injuries. The person can also offer food articles to a cow.

Mercury The Mercury rules young students. When as a functional malefic planet, Mercury is causing afflictions in a horoscope the person is suggested to render help to young and poor students or to the organisations working for the poor children. The person is suggested offering green fodder (about 2 KG) to a cow.


Jupiter rules guru/preceptor. When as a functional malefic planet, Jupiter is causing afflictions in a horoscope the person is suggested to render service to one's guide, preceptor, Guru or performing morning prayers. The person is suggested offering a yellow-colored sweet items to the birds.


Venus rules wife or females in distress. When as a functional malefic planet, Venus is causing afflictions in a horoscope the person is suggested to keep one's wife happy or render help to females in distress. The person is suggested offering white colored sweet items to the birds.


Saturn rules servants or poor people. When as a functional malefic planet, Saturn is causing afflictions in a horoscope the person is suggested to render help to one's servants or poor persons. The person can also offer help to the organisations helping old aged needy persons.

Rahu's affliction in a chart gives vices of all types and causes sufferings to the persons. Such persons are suggested to offer services to old age needy persons or lepers.


Ketu's affliction causes violent miseries of all types. To ward off the evil impact of the planet Ketu the person is suggested to render service/helping institutions/persons working for spiritualism.

Click here for the alternate propitiatory remedies
Click here for knowing Ascendant-wise propitiatory remedies

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