"Weekly Horoscope" by Vedic Astrologer, V K Choudhry, K Rajesh Chaudhary, Learn Astrology lessons, Free access to learning material on astrology."

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Predictions for the current week

The professional matters swiftly recover from last week's setback.
10th lord Sun steadily comes out of affliction and perks up your efforts.
Strong and well-placed Jupiter holds your status in good sphere.
Well-placed Saturn remains afflicted by 12th lord Venus....property/family matters also face issues in the first half.
Mars moves to your 8th house for prolonged period...your health needs extra care and also control your impulsive behaviour.
Spouse/family help in tackling the situation.
Cashflow gets stuck and your close friends are also need assistance.
Better spell for those settled in foreign lands as strong Jupiter travels through your 7th house.
Jupiter transits your seventh house until 14th May, 2025, you may refer to the following link for its impact on your rising sign.
Jupiter's Transit in Taurus

Good spell for those looking forward to marriage as Jupiter transits 7th house.

Nodal axis shifts to your 5th and 11th houses. To read more about its impact for you, click at the following link.
Impact of Transit RAHU in PISCES & Transit KETU in VIRGO.

Saturn transits Aquarius until 29th March, 2025. You may refer to the following link for its impact on your ascendant.
Saturn's Transit in Aquarius

Strengthen your birth planets through a Special Power Kavach as transit weakness/afflictions of planets can take care of sudden mishaps.