Prasna is a very important part of astrology and is very useful. In some cases, only the prasna astrology is helpful. The prasna means when we reply to a question based on the horoscope/chart prepared using the date and time when a querent has approached for astrological help. Generally, the prasna chart is made when the querent does not have a birth horoscope. It is very important that whenever a querent has approached for the first time, the time and date are noted. The place used in the calculations would be the location of astrologer. In cases where a telephonic or an e-mail query is used the place remains as the location of the querent.
For the researchers and advanced learners, noting down the time of the first query is helpful in the timing of events and rectification of the birth charts. Even the astrological remedial measures prescribed according to the ascendant of the prasna have proved to be helpful in a majority of the cases, whenever the birth details were not available.
The study of prasna is very useful for the following reasons:-
(i) when the querent or the person about whom the prasna is being made does not have a birth chart;
(ii) to ascertain the ascendant when the ascendant is either in the ending degrees or in the beginning of a sign. In such cases, the ascendant rising in the prasna generally matches with the ascendant of the birth chart. The correctness of the ascendant of the birth chart is very important in figuring out the true functional nature of the planets in a particular nativity. Not only does the functional nature of planets play a key role in the analysis of a chart but also it is necessary for prescribing the astrological remedial measures;
(iii) to time return of missing persons;
(iv) to time recovery of patients;
(v) to predict recovery of stolen or misplaced items;
(vi) to predict solemnization of marriage;
(vii) to predict success of new business ventures.
The only requirement for the success of the prasna astrology is that the querent approaches the astrologer without any prior fixed appointment for solving the purpose of a query. If a telephonic call is made to fix up the appointment, then the time of the telephone call is noted for the prasna while the actual meeting for the consultation may take place at the appointed time.
Sometimes, it so happens when a person is introduced to an astrologer, the former immediately puts forth a question. Such a question should always be replied according to the birth chart of the querent, if it is available. In cases the birth chart is not available, then he/she should be asked to contact the astrologer after a week or ten days without fixing an appointment. If the astrologer is not available at the time of the approach made by the querent, then the time of the approach should be noted and used for preparation of a prasna chart. The prasna chart is prepared in full for identifying the strength of the planets and working out the planetary periods for the timing of the events. The events are timed with the help of the operating planetary periods and the triple transit influences, both formation and separation.
Even at the cost of some repetition, the essential predictive techniques of the Systems’ Approach have been given in the SA Prasna book (A Complete Guide on Horary Astrology) so that the case studies included in are properly understood by the readers without referring to the other books of the Systems’ Approach.
Prasna brings out the main question(s) of the querent based on the conjunctions, aspects, placements and the operating planetary periods. If the lord of the fifth house is afflicted, the prasna may pertain to progeny matters. If the lord of the seventh house is afflicted, the question may pertain to spouse or marital affairs or foreign visit or foreign stay. All the conjunctions, aspects, placements and the operating planetary periods are to be studied with reference to the ascendant and not treating the house pertaining to the relation about whom the question is made as an ascendant for replying the question. For example if one wants to know about the spouse then the influences on the seventh house are considered and the seventh house is not treated as the ascendant of the spouse.
Generally, people ask for astrological help in the hour of distress. Of course, some blessed ones seek astrological help when they want to venture in to something new. How to identify prasna is the question. It is necessary to identify the correct planet/house in order to give proper advice. If the sub-period lord or the ensuing sub-period lord is the lord of the third house or a planet placed in the third house or a planet aspected by the lord of the third house, then the prasna may be a new venture signified by the concerned planet. If the lord of the third house is creating a close influence on the ascendant or the third house or the tenth house, the prasna may be connected with a new venture or initiative.
The prime determinants of prasna are weak planets and one or more afflictors, explained below, involved in close conjunction or aspect with other planets or the most effective points of the houses.
The following are the determinants of the prasna:
Weak Planets:
The weak planets are not in a position to protect their general significations and the significations of the houses containing their mooltrikona sign. Therefore, the native suffers because of malfunctioning of health ruled by the weak planets.
Afflicted Planets:
Those planets which have a close influence of the functional malefic planets (afflictors as mentioned above) either by conjunction or aspect are treated as afflicted planets. The close influence of the lord of the sixth house and Rahu causes diseases which may respond to the symptomatic treatment. The close influence of the functional malefic planets ruling the eighth and twelfth houses and the planet Ketu gives chronic diseases. If the afflicted planet is weak and badly placed, the native suffers from fatal diseases and may have to undergo surgery, etc.
Planetary Periods:
The sub-periods of the afflicting or afflicted planets as mentioned above and the sub-periods of the planets placed in the sixth house and other malefic houses, give rise to the trends which continue throughout the sub-periods; these trends can be reversed if the prime determinants are strong and the following sub-periods are of strong, well placed and unafflicted planets.
Transit Influences:
Sometimes, illness is triggered by the close transit influence of slow moving malefic planets on the natal planets. If the natal afflicted planets are strong the symptoms of the illness end after the transit impact is over. If the natal afflicted planets are weak and badly placed and the sub-periods of the afflictors are in progress then the illness turns into chronic illness.
The problems of ill health start surfacing during the sub-periods of the following:
1. the lord of the ascendant; or
2. the lord of the sixth house; or
3. the planets placed in the sixth house; or
4. the planet causing affliction; or
5. the planet afflicted; or
6. the malefic transit influence on the weak natal positions.
If a planet is afflicted, the following aspects will be touched:-
1. general significations of the planet;
2. the significations of the house containing mooltrikona sign of the afflicted planet.
3. the significations of the house where the afflicted planet is placed.
These are the golden principles which provides us with the key to identifing the prasna and suggesting possible remedies.