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" How to Analyze Progeny Problems
& Apply Astral Remedies "

Everybody cherishes the birth of children, bringing them up and playing with them, forgetting all worldly tensions. Birth of children maintains the continuity of society. The Hindus attach comparatively greater importance to the birth of a male child. It is believed that the son will keep the memory of the father and forefathers alive after one's heavenly ascent besides performing the last rites. That is why the delay or denial of progeny causes great mental anguish to people not only in India but all over the world. No doubt, in this age of family planning, people in some countries are conforming to small family norms, yet the involuntary delay in the birth of a child in the early years of married life becomes intolerable. The reasons for delay and denial are traced through one's horoscope.


1. The lords of the fifth and/or second house containing a mooltrikona sign are the primary significators for progeny. For Aquarius ascendant, Jupiter and the Sun are the primary significators.

2. Jupiter and the Sun are secondary significators for progeny.

3. The lord of the ascendant of sapthamsa containing a mooltrikona sign is also a secondary significator for progeny.

4. The fifth and second houses.

For the birth of a male child, it is important that the second house, its lord and Jupiter are strong or well-placed and unafflicted.

The delay and denial are caused due to the weakness and/or affliction of the significators of progeny explained above. The delays are treated with performance of astrological remedial measures.

We will discuss the subject further with the help of a few case studies:

Male born 1st November, 1966, 2007 Hrs. 76E46 30N45, India.

Mercury, the primary significator in this case, is strong in the nativity. Mercury is on the outer edge of an exact affliction of the most malefic planet, Jupiter. As transit Mercury is vulnerable to weaknesses sometimes it fails to bestow the results despite its strength in the natal chart. The Sun is debilitated, badly placed and closely afflicted by the functional malefic Venus. The native was married in January 1990, but was not blessed with a child up to the end of 1994. The native had the sub-period of Jupiter in the main period of Jupiter from November, 1992, to December, 1994. The malefic influence of the most malefic planet causes the maximum delay and if the appropriate remedies are not performed religiously, then the delay turns into denial. In this case, the birth of a child was seen due to the strong Mercury and the strong Jupiter, secondary significator for progeny. However, to remove the afflictions of Jupiter and Venus, charities were advised while to strengthen the Sun and other functional benefic planets, a Kavach was prescribed. The native was blessed with a son within one year of his starting performance of the astral remedies.

Female born 19th November, 1965, 1800 Hrs. 28N39 77E13 India.

The lord of the fifth house, Mercury, is strong and the functional benefic planet, the Moon, is placed in the fifth house. Saturn, ruling the sapthamsa ascendant, is a secondary significator for progeny and is strong in the natal chart. The other secondary significators, Jupiter and the Sun, are well placed in this chart. The most malefic planet, Jupiter, is placed in the second house ruling family. The functional malefic Mars closely aspects the most effective point of the second house. Rahu aspects the most effective point of the fifth house. The aspects of Mars and Rahu as above indicate delay in the birth of a child. This chart pertains to the wife of the native of the preceding chart. She was suggested charities for Mars, Rahu and Jupiter and was advised to wear a Kavach in an auspiciously elected time. While electing the auspicious time full attention was paid to the natal chart so that there were no immediate malefic transit influences.

Male born 27th March, 1952, 1030 Hrs. 27N41 76E11 India.

Mercury, the primary significator for progeny, is very weak as it is combust, debilitated in rasi, debilitated in navamsa, in old age, and closely afflicted by the most malefic planet, Jupiter. Jupiter as a putrakarka is weak as it is in extreme old age. Jupiter's role as a most malefic planet takes precedence over its role as putrakarka as it is involved in a close conjunction with the weak lord of the fifth house. Jupiter also closely afflicts the most effective point of the fifth house. The functional malefic, Mars, closely afflicts the most effective points of the houses occupied and aspected. The weak and badly placed Moon is also afflicted by the most malefic planet Jupiter. This does not allow the native to pursue various matters in life with perseverance. The secondary significator, the Sun, is well placed in the chart. This chart came up for analysis in a seminar in the year 1995. The native was married at the age of 27 years but could not be blessed with a child even up to the age of 43 years. As stated earlier, in the absence of appropriate astral remedies, the affliction of the most malefic planet to the weak significators results in a denial. The astral remedies were advised in this case, too, but there is no feedback on their performance and the result.

Male born 30th March, 1966, 1102 Hrs. 28N39 77E13 India.

The native was married in 1992 and could not be blessed with a child up to the end of 1995. There were three pregnancies to his wife and each time she went through an abortion till astrological help and remedies were sought. The primary significator for progeny, Venus, is badly placed, in old age and debilitated in navamsa. The putrakarka Jupiter is in the state of infancy. As repeatedly stated earlier, the weak planets not only delay the results but also fail to protect the significations if they are badly placed and/or afflicted. Mercury is in the state of debilitation and infancy and is closely afflicted by Ketu. The strength of Mercury is also a very important factor in the case of the birth of children. The Sun, secondary significator for progeny, is strong. The Moon, ruling the second house and the ascendant of Sapthamsa, is strong. The Moon indicated the birth of a male child for continuance of the family line, once the weakness of the other significators of progeny was reduced with the help of a Kavach worn in an auspiciously elected time. The native was blessed with a son within a year of his starting the prescribed astral remedies.

Female born 22nd August, 1967, 1020 Hrs. 78E26 28N39 India.

The primary significator for progeny matters, Saturn, is badly placed in this chart. The putrakarka Jupiter is well placed but weak due to combustion and its dispositor, the Moon, being in old age. The most effective point of the fifth house is closely afflicted by the most malefic planet Mercury and Ketu. Another secondary significator, the Sun, is closely afflicted by Mercury and Rahu. Venus, lord of the ascendant of Sapthamsa, is weak as it is debilitated in navamsa, has a weak dispositor and its house of placement is closely afflicted by the most malefic planet. The native was not blessed with a child even after a period of six years of marriage. A Kavach was prescribed for providing strength to the weak significators and charities were suggested for Ketu, Rahu and Mercury. The chart of her husband was also studied, and he was also prescribed the wearing of a Kavach for strengthening weak functional benefic planets in his chart and performance of propitiatory remedial measures for the afflicting planets. The continued performance of remedies both by the native and her husband resulted in the birth of a daughter in January 1996.

Female born 21st August, 1962, 1430 Hrs. 22N35 88E23 India.

Mars, the primary significator of progeny, is strong. The secondary significators, Jupiter and the Sun, are well placed. However, the most malefic planet is placed in the fifth house and the close affliction of the secondary significator Saturn, lord of the ascendant of Sapthamsa, takes place in the second house. Saturn's affliction also reduces the power of Jupiter to some extent as explained earlier. The native was not blessed with a child even after nine years of her marriage. The simple remedy of keeping a fresh pot of water for the birds every morning was prescribed for propitiating the Moon in view of the strength of the lord of the fifth house in the chart. In this case, too, the astrological remedies for her husband were also prescribed based on his natal chart, and the performance of astral remedies by the couple blessed them with a male child within one year of starting the astrological remedies.

Male born 18th October, 1953, 1830 Hrs. 71W38 42N34 EST USA.

Mercury, the primary significator for progeny matters, is very weak as the most effective point of the fifth house is closely afflicted by Venus and Rahu, and it is badly placed, in old age, and weakly disposed. The Sun is very weak as it is closely afflicted by the most malefic planet, Jupiter, besides being in infancy, debilitated in rasi and navamsa, and badly placed. Jupiter, being in infancy, also afflicts the most effective point of the second house. The afflictions to the second house and the Sun delayed marriage which could only be solemnized at the age of 37 years. Thereafter, up to a period of five years, there was no child. The native was running the sub-period of Rahu in the main period of Saturn when he visited India and sought astral remedies for peace and prosperity in life. The afflictions to the Sun and the second house deny good status to the native.

Female born 4th April, 1964, 1502 Hrs. 27N11, 78E02 India.

The putrakarka Jupiter, being lord of the fifth house, is also the primary significator of progeny. Mercury, being Iord of the second house in rasi and lord of the ascendant of Sapthamsa, becomes significator of male progeny and secondary significator. Jupiter and Mercury almost form a close conjunction in the ninth house. The most malefic planet, the Moon, is in close conjunction with Ketu in the fifth house. The Sun is badly placed. Ketu closely afflicts the lord of the second house, Mercury. The dispositor of both Jupiter and Mercury is weak due to combustion and bad placement. The native, who herself is a doctor, could not be blessed with a child even after seven years of marriage, as she started running the main period of the Moon after about a year of her marriage. The wearing of a Kavach in an auspicious time and performance of charities for the Moon, Ketu and Rahu resulted in a conception in November, 1996, although it was previously eluding, in spite of all medical help.

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