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"Divisional Chart : Turyamsa"
Shelter, necessities of life and resources of material value are called assets of life. Assets over and above the basic needs of a person give rise to luxuries. Assets include useful relationships and tangible things including properties, vehicles and cash. The assets in life are studied from the fourth house. The significator planets are the Moon, Mars and Venus. The in-depth analysis is taken up with the study of turyamsa i.e. D-IV. In case the fourth house does not have a mooltrikona sign then we take up the second house for studying the assets in life. In case the second house, too, does not have a mooltrikona sign, then we take up the eleventh house for studying the assets in life. From Aries to Pisces, the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, the Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Mars become the prime determinant for assets in seriatim.
Depending upon the personification of the planets i.e. the Sun as king; the Moon as queen; Mercury as prince; Venus as worldly minister; Mars as commander-in-chief; Jupiter as spiritual minister and Saturn as servant, we estimate the extent of affluence of the assets. For example, if the Sun or the Moon become the lord of the fourth house or closely influence or cast their close aspect on the most effective point of the fourth house and/or its lord, the assets are rich in nature. On the other hand, if Saturn is in such a position the assets may be meager. The richness of assets given by even a weak Sun or weak Moon will be more than the assets given by a powerful Saturn. Next to the Sun and the Moon in affluence are Jupiter and Venus followed by Mars and Mercury and at last, Saturn. The impact of planets has to be reckoned in this way for all aspects of life.
Male born 30th September, 1948, 1240 Hrs.
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The sign Sagittarius rises in the ascendant and the Moon, Rahu and Ketu become functional malefic planets. The lord of the ascendant, Jupiter, is placed in the twelfth house. The prime determinant for assets is Venus. The significator planets for assets are the Moon, Mars and Venus. In fact all are weak in this chart, and Venus is placed in the eighth house; that is the house of overseas. In navamsa, Venus is exalted but that only contributes a little to its original strength in the rasi chart.
In turyamsa, Jupiter, who rules the turyamsa ascendant, is in the ninth house in the sign Leo. From there, Jupiter aspects the Sun in the ascendant and Venus in the fifth house. The turyamsa ascendant is connected with the affluent planets, Jupiter and the Sun. Under the influence of these planets the native enjoyed good comforts, assets in life and comfortable living abroad. The weakness of the planets and the exact affliction of Saturn disturbed the mental peace of the native due to lack of confidence in continuity of the comforts of life.
Male born 25th November, 1943, 0514 Hrs.
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The sign Libra rises in the ascendant and Mercury, Rahu and Ketu become functional malefic planets. The Sun becomes the prime determinant for assets. The Sun is weak as its house of placement is exactly afflicted by Mercury and Rahu but is well placed in the house of status. The significator for luxuries, Venus, is in its sign of debilitation in the twelfth house. Jupiter is placed in the house ruling assets in rasi. Saturn closely aspects Jupiter.
In turyamsa Mars, being the lord of turyamsa ascendant, is with the Sun. Jupiter aspects the Sun-Mars combine and turyamsa ascendant. The turyamsa ascendant is also aspected by the Moon.
In the main period of Jupiter the native got chances of considerable increase of assets in life. The native enjoyed official residence in spacious buildings due to well placed Sun in the rasi chart and Mars-Sun combine in the turyamsa. In the period of Saturn, who is yogakaraka planet for this nativity, the native continued to achieve new heights in the matter of assets in life.
Rahu's exact aspect to Mercury, the lord of the twelfth house in the second house, is likely to rob the native of some of his assets in addition to causing serious stress and illness.
Male born 13th September, 1951, 0030 Hrs.
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The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant and Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. Mercury, becoming prime determinant for assets, occupies the third house along with the lord of the third house, the Sun, the significator for luxuries, Venus, and Ketu. Ketu's conjunction is, however, wide. The functional benefic planet Saturn is closely conjunct with the most effective point of the fourth house. The functional benefic planets, Mercury and Venus, are closely conjunct and harness the matters ruled by them.
In turyamsa, Virgo rises and Jupiter is placed in the ascendant. Mercury and Venus occupy the third house in turyamsa but they are afflicted by Mars, from the eighth house, and by the Sun, from the ninth house. The Moon is in the eleventh house in its own sign but is also afflicted by Mars. Mars is in the eighth house in its mooltrikona. The Sun is aspected by Jupiter from the ascendant. Saturn occupies the fourth house, is afflicted by Rahu from the twelfth house, and afflicts the ascendant and Jupiter.
Mars is in its sign of debilitation in the rasi chart. Rahu occupies the sign Aquarius whose lord is debilitated in the navamsa. Due to the weakness of the concerned planets and being running the main periods of Mars and Rahu, early in life the native had very meager assets. The onset of the main period of Jupiter harnessed the effects to a great extent which continued to flourish further in the main period of Saturn.
Male born 11th September, 1937, 0750 Hrs.
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The sign Virgo rises in the ascendant and Saturn, Mars, the Sun, Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The lord of the fourth house, Jupiter, becomes the prime determinant for assets and it occupies the fourth house. The most effective point of the fourth house is closely aspected by Saturn, the lord of the sixth house. The general significator for assets and luxuries, Venus, occupies the sign of debilitated Moon and, becoming weak, is afflicted by Rahu.
In turyamsa, the sign Sagittarius rises and Jupiter occupies the sign Virgo along with exalted Mercury. Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are aspected by Rahu. Turyamsa ascendant is aspected by Saturn. The Moon and the Sun, the royal planets, are conjunct with the Rahu-Ketu axis in dusthanas and are not related with any of the concerned planets.
Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury and Venus become the concerned planets. Lack of strength of these significator planets and the operation of main periods of Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus blessed the native only with limited assets. The Moon is in its sign of debilitation both in the main chart as well as in turyamsa.