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"Divisional Chart : Decante"
Decante (D-III) is the divisional chart meant for an in-depth study of the significations ruled by the third house i.e. courage, enterprises/initiatives and younger brothers The prominent significations experienced by the native are of those houses in which mooltrikona signs of various planets are located. Depending upon the strength or weakness of the planets the results are experienced in their sub-periods. Looking from this angle if the third house contains a mooltrikona sign, then the significations of the third house have dynamic configurations. It will be more so in the sub-periods of the lord of the third house, in the sub-periods of the significator for the third house, Mars, in the sub-periods of the lord of the ascendant of the decante if containing a mooltrikona sign, or in the sub-periods of other planets associated with the third house or with the lord of the third house in the rasi chart. The predominant relationship of male planets with planets becoming significators for the third house gives birth to younger brother(s) while the predominant relationship of female planets with planets becoming significators for the third house gives birth to younger sister(s). Further discussions on the subject will be taken-up during the analysis of charts taken-up for illustration.
Female born 16th October, 1966, 0710 Hrs.
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The sign Libra rises in the ascendant and Mercury, Rahu and Ketu become functional malefic planets. The third house has a mooltrikona sign ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is weak due to the weakness of its dispositor. The Moon, the dispositor of Jupiter, is weak as it is in the house of a debilitated and combust, Venus. The Sun is weak as it is badly placed in the chart and is in the old age. Mars, the significator for younger brothers, is in the sign of the weak Sun.
In decante, the ascendant is ruled by the badly placed Venus. Mars is afflicted by Rahu and placed in the sign Leo ruled by the Sun, which is badly placed in the chart and in decante. Jupiter is in the sign Cancer ruled by the Moon, which is weak in the natal chart and afflicted by Mercury, Rahu and Ketu in decante.
Because of the weakness of Jupiter, Venus and Mars, the younger brother of the native has a retarded growth. The apparent strong position of the lord of the third house and the significator for younger brothers gave birth to a younger brother, but their inherent weakness together with weakness of the lord of the ascendant of the decante were mainly responsible for the retarded growth of the younger brother of the native. The younger brother was born in the main period of Jupiter and sub-period of Venus.
Female born 24th September, 1982, 1329 Hrs.
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The sign Sagittarius rises in the ascendant and the Moon, Rahu and Ketu become functional malefic planets. The lord of the third house is well placed in the tenth house with some benefic influence from strong Mercury. The significator for younger brothers is in its own sign, Scorpio, in the twelfth house. Mars closely aspects the most effective point of the third house.
In decante, the lord of the ascendant, Mars, is placed in the eighth house. Saturn, the lord of the third house in rasi, is placed in the second house in decante. In comparison to the significator for younger brothers and decante ascendant lord Mars, Saturn, the lord of the third house in rasi, is stronger, even though both are under the influence of Mercury, the lord of sixth in decante.
During the sub-period of Saturn in the main period of Mercury, the native was blessed with a younger brother.
Male born 13th September, 1951, 0030 Hrs.
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The sign Gemini rises in the ascendant and Rahu and Ketu are the functional malefic planets. The lord of the third house, the Sun, occupies the third house. The significator for younger brothers, Mars, occupies its sign of debilitation in the second house.
In decante, the lord of the ascendant is Venus. Mars is placed in the sixth house. The Sun, the lord of third house in rasi, occupies its sign of exaltation in decante.
The lord of the third house in rasi and the lord of ascendant in decante are stronger than Mars as both are well placed in their respective third houses. The significator for younger brothers, Mars, even though getting favorable aspects from Jupiter and the lord of the second house, the Moon, is slightly weak as it is debilitated in rasi and badly placed in decante.
The main period of Mars blessed the native with three younger brothers in the sub-periods of Mars, Saturn and Venus. The younger brother born in the main and sub-period of Mars keeps weak health as Mars is debilitated.
Female born 29th April, 1980, 1920 Hrs.
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The sign Libra rises in the ascendant and Mercury, Rahu and Ketu become functional malefic planets. Mercury is weak as it is placed in the state of infancy and becomes closely afflicted by Rahu. The lord of the ascendant, Venus, is weak as it is badly placed in the chart and is in extreme old-age. The lord of the third house, Jupiter, and Mars are in close conjunction with each other in the main chart. Though Mars is strong in the chart but during the sub-periods of Mars the affliction of Mercury occupying mooltrikona sign of Mars manifests. This influence of Mars is also passed on to Jupiter. The Sun ruling the eleventh house is strong but this could also not get out of the blemish of Mercury being closely afflicted in the sign Aries occupied by the Sun in the chart. There is no mooltrikona sign is the ascendant of D-III.
During the sub-periods of Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury in the main period of Rahu, the native could not be blessed with a younger brother, kept persistent bad health and died of illness at the age of just ten years. The lord of the ascendant is in the eighth house in both main chart and decante and is in the sixth house in navamsa in its sign of debilitation.
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