Sometime in the latter half of the year 1997, I was contacted by a medical doctor regarding his health problem. He had been missing a heart beat frequently and was not benefiting from the medical treatment of a big multi-specialty hospital in New Delhi (India). He came to see me for astrological advice based on a recommendation from one of his patients. I prepared his birth chart and identified the problem. I advised him of the astrology remedies. He said that his father would neither allow him to wear the Special Power Kavach nor the propitiatory remedies to be performed. It was about 10:00 PM. I told him to connect with his father over the phone and find out whether the latter would prefer his son dying rather than performing the astrology remedies. The medical doctor responded that he would manage to get permission from his father for following the astral remedies. Let us see his birth chart:
Three functional malefic planets, the Sun, Mars and Saturn, cause close afflictions to the houses occupied and aspected by them. Mars and the Sun are closely conjunct, afflicting each other and both are also causing a close affliction to the Moon. Mars, Mercury and Venus are combust along with Jupiter being debilitated in the birth chart. Venus is under a close aspect from Rahu. Mercury is under a close affliction from the afflicted Sun. The planetary weaknesses resulted in a number of problems to the person regarding health, relationship and property matters. He was duped out of his assets in business. The close influence of the lord of the sixth house on the fifth and second houses brought him to the study of medicine. The influence of the Sun on the lord of the ascendant, Mercury, also brought on the study of medicine.
In early 1994, transit Rahu caused an influence on the most effective point of the third and seventh houses which resulted in a lawsuit against him filed by his wife for a demand of money from the wife's parents. In January, 1996, when transit Saturn and Ketu caused malefic aspects to his natal Venus, he suffered from a heart problem.
Whenever a prolonged malefic transit influence is on the natal second house, tenth house, the lords of the second and tenth houses or on the Sun, especially when placed in the twelfth house or sixth house the person faces trouble in professional, health and legal matters. Such afflictions should be taken seriously. There can be false implications, cheating, losses and serious health problems. The afflictions become more serious if Rahu or Ketu are causing affliction from a malefic house.
Whenever there is a strong affliction of the sixth lord or Mars is placed in the twelfth house, the person is likely to go through surgery during/after the prolonged malefic transit influence.
Here is another case of a gentleman, who had a strange approach to the astral remedies. I met this person at the place of my publisher in New Delhi in July, 1996. He had an impressive personality and strong mustaches like a warrior. He had been implicated in a financial matter.
He was eager for advice and presented his birth chart to me. After going through his birth chart, I found that Rahu-Ketu were afflicting the most effective points of the houses occupied and aspected making these houses weak. The Sun and Venus were in their signs of debilitation. Saturn was combust. Mercury was in old age.
I found that his lord of the second house had been under a prolonged malefic transit influence of Rahu and Ketu from February to June, 1996. I advised him of the astral remedies. He said that his wife would not prepare a sweet pancake for offering to the birds as a remedy for Rahu. He also expressed an inability to give food to a street dog as a remedy for Ketu. He further mentioned that his father would not allow him to wear the Special Power Kavach. I asked the publisher if there was a barber around. The publisher wanted to know why I was suddenly requesting a barber. I told him that the barber was needed to shave off the mustaches of this person as he was unable to make his own decisions in life. I felt that such a person should not wear the look of a warrior. As the anxiety of this gentleman about the financial matter was strong, he finally agreed to perform the astral remedies for getting relief from the planetary afflictions operating in the birth chart.
In yet another case when the Sun placed in the twelfth house came under the prolonged transit influence of Rahu and Ketu the person was implicated in a false matter and threatened with legal action. This person had a Libra ascendant and the Sun was at 24 degrees in the twelfth house. The prolonged malefic transit influence of Rahu and Ketu prevailed from September, 2014, to December, 2014. Transit Rahu was conjunct the natal Sun in the twelfth house and transit Ketu was aspecting from the sixth house. As the individual was already wearing a Special Purpose Kavach and doing regular propitiatory remedies, he came out of this implication without any damage.