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With the advent of faster means of tran
sportation, the world has become so compact and distances have been reduced to such an extent that one can go across the world in a couple of days and with complete comfort. As a sequel to that, a large number of people have become interested in foreign visits/residence for a variety of reasons such as for pursuing higher education, business, diplomatic assignments, career, pleasure trips, etc.


The tenth, seventh, ninth and twelfth houses rule foreign travel and residence. The lord of the tenth house connected with these houses indicates journeys to foreign/distant lands and residing in foreign lands. The placement of the lord of the fourth or second houses in the seventh, ninth or twelfth houses take one to foreign lands. The good results of stay/visits in a foreign country depend upon the strength of the planets involved. A strong lord of the seventh house in the fourth house or in the tenth house brings good experiences of residing in foreign lands or distant places. Rahu's connection with houses connected with foreign journeys/residence or with the fourth house which rules one s native place also indicates foreign journeys. During ancient times even states in south, east and west India, were treated as foreign places for northern Indian states as these were under different kings and had altogether different sets of cultures.


We will illustrate further through the birth charts of natives, who traveled abroad and had residence in foreign countries.


CHART 80: Male born 21st October, 1940, 1200 Hrs. 75E28, 32N04, India.

The lord of the ninth house ruling journeys to foreign lands is placed in the eleventh house indicating gains through foreign journeys. The lord of the eleventh house ruling financial gains is placed in the ninth house ruling father and journeys to foreign lands. The tenth house is occupied by Mars and Rahu. The placement of Rahu in the tenth house close to the most effective point indicates foreign journeys and stay in connection with the profession/job. Both the planets, Rahu and Mars, are forming an exact conjunction between them and are close to the most effective point of the tenth house. The lord of the tenth house is in the house of gains but it is quite weak. The significator for long/foreign journeys and residence, Saturn, is exactly conjunct with Jupiter, the ascendant lord. The native had very strong inclinations for going abroad on a Government assignment which was fulfilled in the sub-period of the planet posited in the ninth house and the main period of Saturn. The native stayed in the foreign land for about four years and later had a number of short journeys to foreign lands.


CHART 81: Male born 5th September, 1936, 0820 Hrs. 72E40,

32N02, India.

The lord of the ascendant is in the ascendant, close to the most effective point, and strong in the state of exaltation. The twelfth lord is strong and placed in the twelfth house. Rahu being significator of foreign places closely influences the Moon ruling the house of income. The planets Mars and Venus are weak due to debilitation, and Jupiter is weak due to its debilitation in the navamsa chart.


The placement of the twelfth lord strongly in the twelfth house, the placement of the lord of the eighth house in the house of gains and the impact of Rahu on the lord of the house of the gains shows income and stay in foreign countries. During the main period of Mars the native went to a foreign country for residence and financial gains. As the twelfth lord, Sun, is strong in the birth chart the native was heading an electrical engineering project.


CHART 82: Male born 16th April, 1951, 0900 Hrs. 77E13, 28N39, India.

The lord of the twelfth house is placed in the twelfth house. The lord of the eighth house, Jupiter, is posited in the eleventh house. Rahu closely influences the most effective point of the tenth house. The lord of the fourth house has gone to the twelfth house. There is a mutual close aspect between the lords of the eighth and tenth houses which creates hurdles in one's professional pursuits. Mercury ruling inclinations is closely conjunct with Mars in the twelfth house. The influences of planets in the twelfth house indicate foreign travel/residence. The native had many trips to foreign lands in connection with his job. During the sub-period of Mercury placed in the twelfth house the native went for a stay abroad for a period of 4 to 5 years.


CHART 83: Male born 18th September, 1951, 0915 Hrs. 77E13, 28N39, India.

Mercury, the lord of the twelfth house, is closely conjunct with the lord of the ascendant in the eleventh house, ruling income. Mercury is under close influence of Rahu and Ketu, as well. The weak Sun, ruling the house of gains, is placed in the twelfth house. Saturn is combust and placed in the twelfth house. Mars, ruling the house of foreign residence, is in the tenth house linking job and foreign residence. Mars is weak due to debilitation, old age and weakness of its dispositor. Jupiter is placed in the house of challenges. Mercury closely influences the most effective point of the eleventh house linking the income and foreign lands.


The placement of the Sun, ruling income, in the twelfth house; influence of Mercury on the eleventh house; placement of the tenth lord in the seventh house and seventh lord, Mars, in the tenth house took the native to a foreign country in quest of earnings. The weakness of the planets could not bless the native with his objectives. The native suffered from bad health and had to return in the sub-period of Jupiter placed in the sixth house and debilitated in D-VI. The foreign stay started in the sub-period of Mars in the main period of the Moon. Rahu's affliction to the lord of the twelfth house, Mercury, gave severe illness during the sub-period of Rahu and necessitated his return.


CHART 84: Female born 1st January, 1963, 0645 Hrs. 77E13, 28N39, India.

The lord of the ninth house, the Sun, is placed in the ascendant. Venus ruling the house of income is placed in the twelfth house ruling foreign places. The Sun is weak due to weakness of dispositor. Mars ruling intellect and investments exactly aspects Venus, placed in the twelfth house. Mercury, the lord of the tenth house, is under an exact influence of Rahu and Ketu. The lord of the third house is placed in the second house. The Rahu-Ketu axis is close to the most effective point of the houses occupied by them and afflicts the houses occupied and aspected, besides making the planets Mercury and Moon weak. Saturn is weak, due to placement in an afflicted house, and it makes Jupiter weak. The placement of the Sun ruling the ninth house in the ascendant, Venus in the twelfth house and the exact impact of Mars on Venus indicate foreign travel/residence and movement to foreign lands for sourcing income.


In the sub-period of the ninth lord in the main period of Saturn the native left for a foreign stay with the intention of both marriage and job. The good placement of the lord of the third house brought her some fame due to writing for a periodical. The native had a routine and chequered career because of the weakness of all the planets, close afflictions to Mercury and the operating main periods of Saturn and Mercury in the birth chart.


CHART 85: Male born 26th September, 1936, 1045 Hrs. 77E10, 31N06, India.

The sign Scorpio rises in the ascendant and the planets Jupiter, Sun, Mercury, Moon and Saturn become the functional favorable planets.  The planets Mars, Venus, Rahu and Ketu are functionally unfavorable planets. Jupiter and the Moon act as Sun-like planets.


In this chart Rahu and Ketu are close to the most effective point of the houses of their location and afflict the houses occupied and aspected. They also make the planets Saturn, Mars, Sun, Jupiter and Venus weak through the close aspect affliction to their moolatrikona sign houses.


The strong lord of the ninth house influences the most effective point of the third and ninth houses ruling one's ventures/initiatives involving long journeys.


The functional malefic planet, Mars, is on the most effective point of the tenth house and afflicts the houses occupied and aspected. The lord of the tenth house, if placed in the sixth house, or if the sixth house is placed near the most effective point of the tenth house, breeds conflicts or disputes in professional matters and in the matter of other relationships as the temperament of the person becomes such that it raises conflicts.


Venus, the lord of the twelfth house, is placed close to the most effective point of the twelfth house. The lord of the eleventh house is in its sign of exaltation in the eleventh house but is weak due to combustion. Rahu closely influences both the most effective point of the tenth house and Mars, placed in the tenth house. Saturn, though placed in its own mooltrikona sign house, is weak as the most effective point of the house of its placement is under severe afflictions of Mars and Ketu. The severe afflictions to the second, fourth, eighth and twelfth houses resulted in the native remaining unmarried.


The strength of the lord of the ninth house and the placement of the lord of the twelfth house in twelfth house are indicative of foreign residence. The native left India for a long foreign stay during the sub-period of Venus in the main period of Jupiter. The position of the twelfth lord in the twelfth house and strong lord of the ninth house is indicative of a comfortable foreign stay in a foreign land.


CHART 86: Female born 30th August, 1952, 0745 Hrs. 77E13, 28N39, India.

The lord of the twelfth house occupies the twelfth house and it is strong. The ascendant lord is posited in the eleventh house and is under the close affliction of Rahu and Ketu. The functional benefic planets, Moon and Venus are close to the most effective point of the houses of their location. Both the Moon and Venus are weak due to infancy. Jupiter is weak due to bad placement and old age. The lord of the eighth house, Mars, closely aspects the ninth and tenth houses linking professional matters with distant places. The sub-period of Mars, which is aspecting both the ninth and tenth houses, in the main period of the Moon, which is occupying the fourth house and aspecting the tenth house, gave the native a foreign posting for four years. As the twelfth lord is strong in the twelfth house itself, the stay was comfortable and to the satisfaction of the native.


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