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This verse from "Sri Ramcharitmanas" indicates to us the key to happiness. Unless one feels content with one s lot, the mind will be restless and always craving for something or other. The Sun and Jupiter, the significators of fortune, father and spirituality, when strong, indicate overall happiness in a nativity including the elevation of the soul. So to say, happiness and spiritual attainments in life are indicated by the ninth house, Jupiter and the Sun in a birth chart.


From the ninth house and the significators, the Sun and Jupiter, we identify the aspects of happiness from father, preceptor, spiritual learning, spiritual inclinations, intuition, charity, virtue, duty, destiny on the basis of past lives and resultant happiness, meditation, foreign travel, long journeys of short duration and life in foreign lands, education abroad, grace, luck, general fortune, sudden and unexpected gains, religion and pilgrimages.




The aspects of fortune and father are identified from the ninth house of the birth chart. The lord of the ninth house, if containing a mooltrikona sign, is considered as the primary determinant for analyzing the aspects of fortune and father. In cases where there is no mooltrikona sign in the ninth house, then the lord of the fourth house is considered the prime determinant. In cases where there is no mooltrikona sign even in the fourth house, then the lord of the second house is considered the prime determinant. If there is no mooltrikona sign in the second house, then the lord of the fifth house is considered the prime determinant as the fifth house rules the purva punyas (good deeds of past life). For various ascendants, the following planet(s) will become prime determinants for analyzing fortune and father:




1. Aries


2. Taurus


3. Gemini


4. Cancer


5. Leo


6. Virgo


7. Libra


8. Scorpio


9. Sagittarius


10. Capricorn


11. Aquarius


12. Pisces





The lord of the ascendant of the navamsa chart containing a mooltrikona sign becomes an additional primary determinant for identifying the results pertaining to fortune.


The lord of the ascendant of the dwadasamsa chart containing a mooltrikona sign becomes an additional primary determinant for identifying results pertaining to father.




The planets Sun and Jupiter are significators for fortune and father. The Sun is the general significator of father, status in life, vitality, soul and is a secondary significator for male progeny.

Jupiter, the planet of "Divine Grace", is the general significator for all the good things in life. It is the lord of the ninth sign of the zodiac and natural significator for bhagya (fortune). Its main significations are blessing one with auspiciousness, sons, scholarship and good health by giving a healthy liver which is the factory of the human body for nourishment to all its parts. It represents charitable disposition, virtues, prowess, guru, gold, social position, gains, residence, wisdom and happiness. It rules morality and wealth. When Jupiter is weak, the person lacks energy, is grieved and is in adversity, lacks honesty, lacks intellect, experiences bad endings, can be poor, serves others, bereft of auspiciousness, purity, etc. Experience shows that one is not only grieved but crosses the border of morality/wisdom to achieve ones ends and becomes selfish and unsatisfied when Jupiter is weak and or afflicted. Efforts made do not give desired results. Both physical and mental sufferings are caused to the native. It is especially harmful in the case of females as it is the significator of "husband" in a female nativity. In Indian cultural background a female is treated as being "reborn" after her marriage takes place. Her post-marital life depends on the position of Jupiter in her natal chart to a large extent. The life may seem to be settled otherwise but during the main/sub-period of a weak and afflicted Jupiter, it suddenly becomes shattered or crumbled. Jupiter, who is known for removing afflictions/weakness of other planets and houses, when weak and afflicted itself, indicates misfortunes.


Before citing a few charts where the natives met with misfortunes changing the course of their lives due to the weakness of the prime determinant of fortune or the significators of fortune during the main period/sub-period of weak and afflicted planets, we would like to add that astrological advice and astral remedies help in reducing mental and physical sufferings. The parents of the children born with weak planetary influences have to work very hard from the very beginning for inculcating the right behavior in their children.

To sum up, the significations of weak planets suffer. Though in some cases the prime determinant of fortune may either occupy the house or aspect it, yet during the sub-period of an eclipsed Jupiter the native is aggrieved on account of the general significations of Jupiter and the significations of the house ruled by Jupiter in the birth chart.


If Sun in one's horoscope is the lord of an auspicious house and is causing combustion to Jupiter with no astrological remedial measures to remove the weakness of Jupiter, the transit afflictions to Jupiter would inflict sufferings upon the native relating to the general and particular significations of Jupiter. This leads us to conclude that the result of weak planets including combust planets become better if the functional benefic combust planets are strengthened.


CHART 71: Female born 11th August, 1955, 2305 Hrs. 77E10, 28N37, India.

The sign Aries rises in the ascendant in the horoscope. Jupiter becomes the prime determinant for fortune and father. The ascendant lord is debilitated, combust and in old age. Jupiter, Mars and Venus are combust and the Sun passes on the affliction of Mercury to these planets. The Sun carries with it the impact of afflicted Mercury as the same is placed in the Sun's mooltrikona sign. Mercury ruling financial position and health is combust and under the exact afflicting aspect of Rahu. Due to combustion weakness, Jupiter lacks the power to augment auspiciousness in spite of its being the ninth lord placed in its sign of exaltation in the rasi chart and occupying the fourth house in exact conjunction with another angular house lord, Venus. All planets placed in the fourth house become weak. Exalted Saturn is weak due to weakness of its dispositor and debilitation in navamsa. The woman could not get married inspite of the best efforts of her parents. Even though the eleventh lord occupied its sign of exaltation, she could not get employment. The reasons, apparently, are the weakness of the eleventh lord s dispositor, the eleventh lord occupying its debilitated navamsa, and debilitation and combustion of the prime determinant of professional matters, Mars. The weakness/affliction of all planets has put a tremendous amount of nervous pressure on the native due to remaining unmarried and unemployed.


CHART 72: Male born 5th March, 1947, 0330 Hrs. 77E10, 28N37, India.

The sign Sagittarius rises in the ascendant in the horoscope. The Sun becomes the prime determinant for fortune and father. The Sun is weak as its dispositor is badly placed in the eighth house. The putrakaraka, Jupiter, is weak as it is occupying the twelfth house. The lord of the fifth house, Mars, is weak due to combustion and weak dispositor. The most effective point of the second house is under the exact affliction of the most malefic planet. In sapthamsa, Rahu afflicts Jupiter and the Sun.

The placement of the lord of the eighth house on the most effective point of the eighth house is good for long life, rich inheritance, easy gains, etc. For matters pertaining to status rise, birth of a male child and accumulation of wealth of the person, etc., the exact affliction by the lord of the eighth house is a very negative factor.

The native suffered on account of male progeny. He lost his four male issues, two by way of miscarriages in advanced stages and two in premature deliveries. Due to the exalted Moon in sapthamsa ascendant, the native has four daughters.


CHART 73: Male born 14th August, 1959, 1330 Hrs. 77E25, 23N16, India.

The sign Scorpio rises in the ascendant in the horoscope. The Moon becomes the prime determinant for fortune and father. The Moon is weak due to infancy, affliction of Ketu to its own mooltrikona sign house and a weak dispositor. Jupiter being lord of the second house is weak as it is occupying the twelfth house in extreme old age and its dispositor is under the exact affliction of the sixth lord. The fifth house is closely afflicted by the Rahu-Ketu axis. Mercury is combust and the most effective points of its mooltrikona house and the house of placement are under the close affliction of Rahu and/or Ketu.

Mars ruling the house of health is exactly conjunct with the most malefic planet, Venus, which resulted in persistently sensitive health. Mars and Venus mutually afflict each other.

The weak planets and the exact/close afflictions caused many fortune reversals for the native.

The native was not blessed with male progeny up to the age of 35 years. The astrological remedial measures for strengthening Jupiter and propitiating the functional malefic planets have blessed the native with a male child.


CHART 74: Female born 22nd June, 1966, 0900 Hrs. 77E13, 28N39, India.

The sign Cancer rises in the ascendant in the horoscope. Venus becomes the prime determinant for fortune and father. Venus is in infancy and suffers from the exact affliction of Rahu and Ketu. Venus and Rahu also suffer from a close affliction by Saturn. Jupiter is weak as it is badly placed in the twelfth house and combust. The lord of the tenth house, Mars, is weak due to combustion. The prime determinant for male progeny for Cancer born persons, the Sun, is also weak as it is in the twelfth house. Mercury is weak and afflicted as it is in infancy and suffers from the exact affliction of Ketu. The native of this chart had marital and progeny problems. She was first married in May, 1982, followed by an immediate divorce. She was remarried in April, 1986. The first child of the native was still-born in April, 1987. The astrological remedial measures were suggested for strengthening of the functional benefic planets. The native gave birth to a male child in the first week of October, 1988.


CHART 75: Female born April, 1949.

The sign Aquarius rises in the ascendant in the horoscope. Venus becomes the prime determinant for fortune and father. Venus is well placed and exalted but becomes weak due to combustion and placement in an afflicted house. The Moon becoming one of the prime determinants of health is under the exact affliction of Ketu. Mercury, the most malefic planet, closely afflicts the most effective point of the second house and Mars. Mars and Mercury become additionally weak due to combustion and placement in an afflicted house, while Mercury is debilitated too. The significator of general fortune, Sun, becomes weak due placement in an afflicted house. Jupiter is weak as it occupies the twelfth house in its sign of debilitation. The native is suffering from ill-health on account of a sluggish liver, diabetes and corpulence. Her only son also is not keeping good health. Her husband suffered setbacks in health and career after her marriage during the main period of Jupiter.


CHART 76: Female born 14th December, 1949, 1032 Hrs. 82E08, 26N46, India.

The sign Capricorn rises in the ascendant in the horoscope. Mercury becomes the prime determinant for fortune and father. Mercury, ruling the house of fortune, is weak as it is combust, badly placed and its dispositor is weak. The Sun being the most malefic planet is close to the most effective point of the eleventh house and afflicts the fifth and eleventh houses. The debilitated Jupiter ruling the twelfth house is occupying the ascendant. The prime determinant for longevity is the Sun, which is weak due to old age and placement in an afflicted house. The Moon suffers from a close affliction of the functional malefic planet, Jupiter. Mars is weak as it is in the state of infancy and its dispositor is weak. Saturn ruling the house of status is weak as it is badly placed and its dispositor is weak. As all factors governing fortune and longevity were weak, during the Ketu sub-period of Jupiter main period, the native breathed her last at the age of 39 years. During her life she suffered on account of strained marital relations as the lord of the seventh house is closely afflicted by Jupiter and the lord of the second house is badly placed.


CHART 77: Male born 20th October, 1949, 1900 Hrs. 76E59, 29N24, India.

The sign Aries rises in the ascendant in the horoscope. Jupiter becomes the prime determinant for fortune and father. Jupiter, ruling the house of fortune, is weak as it is in infancy and debilitated both in rasi and navamsa. The lord of the fifth house is weak as it is debilitated, is in the state of infancy and its dispositor, Venus, weak due to bad placement. The badly placed Moon, ruling the fourth house, is also suffering from an exact affliction of the functional malefic planet, Mercury. During the main period of Jupiter the native changed his jobs frequently but could not get satisfaction. In Jupiter's sub-period, the native met with an accident and had a leg fracture. His wife was diagnosed as a patient of uterine cancer. He has two daughters and no male progeny. As Jupiter is the lord of the ninth house, the native suffered setbacks in all spheres of life.


CHART 78: Male born 20th February, 1973, 2030 Hrs. 77E10, 28N37, India.

The sign Virgo rises in the ascendant in the horoscope. Jupiter becomes the prime determinant for fortune and father. Jupiter is in the fifth house in its sign of debilitation and is weak. The fourth house is occupied by Rahu and Mars. Mars, being the most malefic planet, closely afflicts the most effective point of the fourth house. The lord of the ascendant is weak as it is occupying the sixth house and is under the close affliction of Ketu. The malefic influence on the fourth house and Mercury (the significator for education) is grave while the fourth lord is weak. After the birth of the native his mother suffered on account of persistent ill-health. The native developed enmity with his mother. The native disrespected his mother and even used to beat her. He left his school in the ninth standard and started loafing around aimlessly. The domestic peace was completely disturbed as the native was undergoing the main period of Rahu which is occupying the fourth house owned by a debilitated Jupiter. The performance of suggested astral remedies in the form of a Kavach and charities helped the native to complete his school education and gave improved health to the mother.


CHART 79: Male born 4th January, 1973, 2115 Hrs. 73E02, 29N42, India.

The sign Leo rises in the ascendant in the horoscope. Mars becomes the prime determinant for fortune and father. The lord of the ninth house is strongly placed in the fourth house. The lord of the seventh house is strongly placed in the tenth house. The native was born in a resourceful business family. Jupiter, being the lord of the fifth house, dealing with intelligence, is weak as it is combust and suffers from the close affliction of Rahu and Ketu. The lord of the ascendant and significator for general fortune, the Sun, is in exact conjunction with the most malefic planet, the Moon, and is also under the close affliction of Rahu and Ketu. The malefic influences on the Sun gave bad habits to the native. From Jupiter's sub-period in the main period of the Sun onwards the native developed strange food habits and disinterest in his education. He left school in the Ketu sub-period in the Sun main period. The astrological remedial measures for strengthening of Jupiter and Sun and for propitiating Rahu and the Moon were prescribed. The boy started showing improvement, he was readmitted to the school and continued his education. The performance of astral remedies helped him in completing his graduation and he started taking an interest in the parental business enterprise.


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