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The twelfth house rules life in foreign lands, losses, expenses and peace in marital relationship. If strong and/or unafflicted, one enjoys a happy married life, a good life while living in foreign lands, comforts of bed, visits to foreign lands, etc. etc. A few examples of a strong lord of the twelfth house have been discussed in the lesson dealing with foreign travel and residence. One suffers from losses in life if the twelfth house contains a mooltrikona sign and its lord is weak or afflicted or closely afflicts some house/planet by way of its conjunction/aspect in the natal chart. The prolonged malefic transit influences cause problems if the lord of the twelfth house is weak. The placement of other planets in the twelfth house brings losses to their general and particular significations when such planets are afflicted, too. The weak and afflicted twelfth house indicates loss of comforts of bed, meaning thereby stresses and strains in the marital relationship of the native and problems while living in foreign lands.


The lord of the twelfth house signifies the areas of expenses for a person by way of its relationship with a particular house/planet in the natal chart. Suppose that Mars is the lord of the twelfth house and is placed in the fifth house, then in its ruling sub-periods it may give inclination of incurring expenditure in connection with matters ruled by Mars, like property, etc., that is to say making investments in property.  If the lord of the twelfth house is placed close to the most effective point of the third house it may mean sufferings to the younger brother, lack of a younger brother, expenses on younger brother, losses in one's business ventures or failure in initiatives.  The debilitated Moon in the fourth house ruling the twelfth house may indicate expenses/losses connected with property/building matters, taking into account the debilitation of the Moon, significations of the Moon and the closeness of its influence on the fourth house. This is how we blend the planetary influences, planetary characteristics, planetary lordship and planetary placements. The functional malefic planets in the twelfth house indicate expenses/loss of health by way of vices whereas functional benefic planets indicate expenses connected with family ceremonies, donations, pilgrimages, etc.


The twelfth house, being the last house of the horoscope, also denotes the latter part of life. The sub-period of a weak lord of the twelfth house indicates setbacks in the matter of general and functional health of the native. If the lords of the ascendant and the eighth house are also weak the native may lose life in the operating sub-periods of the twelfth lord in the main period of the ascendant lord/eighth lord or vice-versa.


The prolonged natal/transit afflictions of slow moving functional malefic planets to the most effective point of the twelfth house and/or to the weak lord of the twelfth house may involve the person in some confinement case as the twelfth house also rules prisons and imprisonments. As the planets rule their particular as well as their general significations, the affliction to the lord of the twelfth house may also indicate problems to the relation signified by it.  For example, suppose the Sun being lord of the twelfth house is badly placed in the sixth or eighth house and is transited by Rahu. Rahu's transit in this case may create chances of imprisonment for the native himself as a particular signification of the twelfth house and may cause problems to his father as per the general signification of the planet, Sun. The twelfth lord's close affliction to other planets/house proves very harmful to the native as it puts the native at a loss for the general and particular significations of the planet/house with which it is conjunct or is forming a close aspect.


We will illustrate the matter further through some real-life situations.

CHART 100: Female born 8th August, 1966, 0120 Hrs. 76E40, 28N12, India.

The twelfth house is ruled by Mars, who occupies the second house in close conjunction with the lord of the sixth and eighth houses. Mars, Jupiter and Venus are also closely afflicted by Ketu placed in the sixth house. This conjunction of three functional malefic planets, signifying losses, obstructions and sickness, occurs in the second house i.e. the house of family. During the sub-period of Rahu in the main period of Venus, the native got the first jerk at the age of 13 years. The close afflictions to the lord of the twelfth house created such incidents that disturbed the sleep for the native for many years. A lot of expenses were necessitated on hospitalization and medicines. A very important member of the family, i.e. her father, had a complete paralytic attack. Jupiter's sub-period kept the circumstances the same and somewhat deteriorating. However, as Jupiter signifies education, the native received training as a beautician because Jupiter is conjunct with Venus. During the sub-period of the strong Saturn the native decided to open a beauty parlor and started supporting her family. During the sub-period of Mercury, which is well placed, the native was married. After marriage the native had to move to a distant place due to the job of her husband. As the three functional malefic planets are closely conjunct in the second house and Mars closely afflicts the most effective point of the second and fifth houses, there was no addition to the family. Jupiter's functional nature and its conjunction with the twelfth and sixth lords caused obstructions to the native for performance of astrological remedial measures suggested for addition to the family. However, the native kept on performing propitiatory remedies despite the obstructions and continued to wear the Kavach provided to her. She was blessed with children (first a girl and then a son) with the help of astral remedies.


CHART 101: Male born 11th November, 1947, 2035 Hrs. 101E40, 3N11. TZ : 8 hrs

The twelfth house is ruled by Mars, who occupies the third house in its sign of debilitation in close conjunction with Saturn ruling the house of professional matters. The twelfth lord indicates losses/expenses connected with the initiatives of the native in this case due to its placement in the third house. The weak lord of the twelfth house rules the tendencies of gambling, properties and resorts to ignoring truthful ways in a rash manner. The native spent money in connection with speculative investments in properties during the sub-period of Mars in the main period of Saturn. Saturn is a functional benefic for the native. Also, Mars closely aspects the Sun, the fourth lord, occupying the sixth house in its sign of debilitation. The affliction to the weak and afflicted Sun caused death of father in the native's childhood. During the sub-period of the Sun, which is under the influence of Mars, the native took up the initiative of moving to a bigger house on a rental basis after selling his former smaller house. The indications remained the same; property, initiative and losses/expenses. Though the native did not feel it at the time of the changes, in the end he did find that the transaction of sale of the house acquired during the sub-period of Mars did not bring in any advantage. The Sun in its period indicates the tendencies of expansion and if weak, the person repents later on for such expansions. The close conjunction of the sixth and eighth lords caused litigations and serious health concerns.


CHART 102: Male born 24th March, 1941, 1941 Hrs. 77E33, 29N58, India.

The Sun rules the twelfth house and is weak and closely afflicted by the Rahu-Ketu axis. The lord of the eleventh house, the Moon, is badly placed in the chart and is debilitated in the navamsa. The Sun signifies greater magnitude, losses/expenses in this case and is placed in the house of partnership. The lord of the ascendant has gone to the sixth house along with the lord of the eleventh house. The sixth lord is in its sign of debilitation in the eighth house and closely afflicts the weak lord of the fourth house placed in the eighth house. The most effective point of the twelfth house is closely aspected by Jupiter, but Jupiter is unable to help because of its own weakness and affliction. Mars rules the eighth house and is placed in the fifth house. Though Mars is exalted, it becomes weak due to utter infancy. The close afflictions and weakness of planets in the birth chart resulted in a loss in partnership in such a big way that the native found difficulty in mere financial survival and lost all his inheritance. The stress robbed the native of his mental peace and peaceful sleep. The results are persisting litigations. Both the lords of the ascendant and eleventh house are in the sixth. There too, losses are indicated as the sixth lord is in its sign of debilitation. The bad placement of both the Moon and Mercury caused mental and nervous maladies to the native. The weakness and affliction of the Sun also resulted in pressures on the heart in the sub-periods of the Sun and Moon. During the sub-period of weak Mars in the main period of Saturn, the native had to dispose of his inherited property to tide over the losses.


CHART 103: Male born 8th October, 1951, 0455 Hrs. 77E13, 28N39, India.

The Sun is the lord of the twelfth house and is posited in the ascendant in close conjunction with the lord of the ascendant. Both the lords of the ascendant and the sixth house, becoming prime determinants of health, are weak due to combustion. The twelfth house is occupied by Mars, Venus and Ketu. Venus ruling the house of family is placed in the house of losses and is afflicted by both Mars and Ketu. The functional benefic planets Jupiter and the Moon are strong in the natal chart. The native is an engineer by profession and is getting a good income. Mercury is closely aspected by the strong Jupiter but the close affliction of Saturn and the Sun weigh heavily on the health of the native. The close influence of the lord of the twelfth house on the weak lord of the ascendant gave him the habit of excessive drinking in spite of a good educational background. Badly placed and severely afflicted Venus has wrecked the married life of the native. The other reason is his lack of confidence in his physical health as Mercury ruling the ascendant is weak and is closely afflicted as indicated above. The native was married in the main period of Mars and sub-period of Jupiter. After a long spell of dissonance, the wife finally deserted him permanently in the sub-period of Mercury. The native is ruining his life with heavy consumption of alcohol due to the close impact of the lord of the house of losses acting as Rahu on the lord of the ascendant.


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