"SAMVA"at Yahoogroups", "Learn Astrology", Learn Mundane Predictive Astrology, An online Astrological Magazine / Journal of Astrology for Mundane Studies, Learn Astrology through Systems'Approach, Self Learning Course in Astrology, An online Astrological Magazine / Journal of Astrology for Mundane Astrology, E Mail Course - Learn Astrology with Eminent Astrologers, An online Astrological Magazine / Journal of Astrology for Mundane Astrology."

"SAMVA"at Yahoogroups", "Learn Astrology", Learn Mundane Predictive Astrology, An online Astrological Magazine / Journal of Astrology for Mundane Studies, Learn Astrology through Systems'Approach, Self Learning Course in Astrology, An online Astrological Magazine / Journal of Astrology for Mundane Astrology, E Mail Course - Learn Astrology with Eminent Astrologers, An online Astrological Magazine / Journal of Astrology for Mundane Astrology."
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Vedic astrology dates back many thousand years and is a vital part of the cosmology of the Vedas. The divine science of vedic astrology is a timeless wisdom also known as 'Jyotish'. In Sanskrit the word 'Jyothi' means light or flame and 'Ish' means God. Jyothish thus means 'Lord of the light'. In modern times it is commonly referred to as the 'science of light'. The role of vedic astrology is to offer us a way to study karma in individual and collective life.

The Systems' Approach, or SA, was developed by Mr. V K Choudhry of Gurgaon, India to remove the confusions and contradictions Jyotish has accumulated over the centuries. SA increases predictive accuracy, improves our understanding of karma and offers effective astral remedies for greater spiritual growth and happiness.

Indian Astrologer and Author, V K Choudhry's predictions of 24th July, 05, on SAMVA covered the incidences of accidents and mishaps in India like Bombay unprecedented rains, fire in Bombay High, strike in Gurgaon in which around 1000 labours were reported injured. Mr. Choudhry twice predicted victory for George W Bush as President of America in American Elections besides many other predictions from time to time. For details of Mundane Predictions from Mr. Choudhry and other astrologers the archives of SAMVA may be visited.

SAMVA members seek to understand and predict collective events and trends based on SA astrology. The task of learning SA is made easy with Mr. Choudhry's books. "Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes" includes a section on SA mundane astrology. More info: http://www.yournetastrologer.com

The mission of SAMVA (An online Astrological Magazine / Journal of Astrology) is to solve technical problems of astrologers to enable them to better understand and predict events and trends in the life and render help through jyotish remedies.

A basic knowledge of SA and an interest in the world at large are helpful for effective participation.

The mission of SATVA (An online Astrological Magazine / Journal of Astrology) is to solve technical problems of astrologers to enable them to better understand planetary influences and predict events and trends in the life and render help through jyotish remedies. Currently, SAMVA has more than 825 members.

While a basic knowledge of SA is helpful for effective participation, you could learn SA with Mr Choudhry´s books, such as "Systems' Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes" and "Self Learning Course in Astrology". Also visit http://www.yournetastrologer.com.

Please also visit Mr. Brian Conrad's site at http://www.jyotishtools.com and download Junior Jyotish. This is a free download jyotish software program for practitioners of SA.

Mr. Brian Conrad has also brought a commercial version of his wonderful programme namely Jyotish Tools for those who wish to learn predictive astrology. There is nothing which is parallel to this programme in excellence.